Introducing Reveal
The Future Of Dentistry

Welcome to the Future
of Dental Pre-Visualization

Through the power of augmented reality, Reveal Software facially tracks, conforms, and scales multiple sets of improved teeth – directly onto the face of the patient – for instant real-time “post procedure” results.

Reveal Software creates real-time visualizations for:
Implants / Veneers / Dentures / Teeth Whitening / Braces
Book procedures on the spot, increasing your revenue, patient trust and confidence in you. 

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Why Reveal?

Grow Your Practice

Dominate the industry and increase profits with the next wave of dental technology.

Dental implants and veneers are some of the most profitable procedures for a dental practice.

What we see over and over again, is without a foolproof way to show patients just how transformational these procedures can be to their lives, they tend to not follow through with the investment in themselves.

Reveal Software is the foolproof technology dentists and specialists use to show patients what their smiles will look like, instantly illustrating the life-changing improvements that a dental procedure will have for the patient. From a sales perspective, this immediate transformation and emotional response has not been possible, until now.

Reveal Software adds a level of excitement and determination for the patient to book the procedure. Reveal increases booked appointments and revenues by gaining patient trust, confidence, and understanding. 

Power-up Your
Dental Practice!


Consider the following:

Although costs vary depending on a number of factors -including the type of procedure, the location of the practice, the experience of the dentist, and the materials used; here are some estimates of the typical total cost of some common cosmetic dental procedures as of 2022:

  • Teeth Whitening: Patient investment ranges from $300 to $800, depending on the type of whitening procedure and the materials used.
  • Dental Veneers: Patient investment ranges from $1000 to $2,500 per tooth, depending on the type of veneer and the materials used.
  • Dental Bonding: Patient investment ranges from $300 to $600 per tooth, depending on the type of bonding material used and the extent of the procedure.
  • Dental Implants: Patient investment ranges from $2000 to $6,000, depending on the type of implant, the number of teeth being replaced, and the location of the practice.
  • Orthodontic treatment: Patient investment ranges from $5,000 to $8,000 depending on the type of treatment and the duration of the treatment.

The market for cosmetic dental procedures is OVER $1.5 Billion dollars per year! How much of that are you capturing today? Reveal Software will help you close more procedures and increase profits.

Reveal Software adds a level of excitement and determination for the patient to book the procedure. Reveal increases booked appointments and revenues by gaining patient trust, confidence, and understanding.


Build Patient Trust and Confidence in Seconds.

For someone who is concerned about their looks, is self-conscious or lacks self-assurance because of their teeth, Reveal Software helps excite them about the impact new teeth will have on their lives. The emotional responses are breathtaking.

A new world opens up to these individuals, and they can feel good about having their photo taken. They’ll have the poise needed when speaking in public. They’ll have the assertiveness to ask for that raise or succeed in that interview. Or even find the courage to approach that special someone.

For anyone who has missing, crooked, discolored, or blemished teeth – Reveal Software brings dental patients the motivation needed to take the plunge and get the perfect smile they deserve.

The psychology of seeing how your look can be improved is incredibly powerful. Reveal Software delivers this powerful emotion in seconds, giving anyone the ability to immediately begin feeling better about themselves and living their life to the fullest. 

Software that
Pays for Itself


Reveal Software is paid for with revenue generated from a single cosmetic procedure!!

Cosmetic surgeries average thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. Reveal will pay for itself after a single procedure performed by your practice. One single whitening procedure pays for the software! That means every time you book an additional procedure, due to the sales power of the Reveal Software tool, your practice is cash positive. Bring your practice into the 21st century and make this year your most lucrative yet!

Improve patient conversations, increase patient conversion rates, and empower your staff to close cases.

It is fundamental to differentiate yourself from your competitors and entice your prospective patients to move forward with a procedure. This is where Reveal Software will help you!

With the power of Augmented Reality, Reveal Software demonstrates the effect a corrective procedure will have on your patient’s smile, in real-time. There is no more guessing about how a veneer, or an implant will look like on them. They can even choose the intensity of a teeth whitening, to choose a beautiful, natural look.

Both your patients and you will Reveal Your Best Smile™

How to
get started?

View a DEMO or simply head right over to “Purchase Today”.

Sign up, become a member, receive a link to download the software and you’re on your way!! Log into your account, head over to our training page to see our easy and simple instructional videos, and you’re up and running by end of day. It’s that simple!!